Sunday, 15 September 2013

1.Architecture as Tawhid: Unity & Uniquity of Allah

The 7 Principles of Islamic Architecture:

1. Architecture as Tawhid: Unity & Uniquity of Allah
2. Architecture of Ihtiram: Respect
3. Architecture with Ikhlas: Sincerity
4. Architecture as Pursuit of ‘Ilm: Knowledge
5. Architecture for Iqtisad: Balance
6. Architecture of Haya’: Modesty
7. Architecture as Dikr: Remembrance

1.Architecture as Tawhid: Unity & Uniquity of Allah

Architecture as Tawhid (devotion & faith), believing in the unity and Uniquity of Allah. Every Muslim should have faith in the shahada:  “There is no god but The God/Allah and Mohammad is his Messenger /Prophet”. The main architecture of Allah, is the Ka'aba, in Makkah that nodes as the point where all the muslims face for the prayers.

Architecture as Tawhid also signifies the essence of humanity, unified, border less community, and transcend race, rank, and wealth. Everyone are equal as a human being, this can be seen through the performance of Hajj. Tawhid also mentions the notion of place, shape, order, orientation this defines the unity of the Ka'aba.

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