Friday, 13 September 2013

About Islamic Architecture...

What is the concept of Islamic Religion?
Islam literally means “total surrender, total submission” to the will of God-essence of the religion. The Islamic religion also means The Way of Life that interpret beliefs in every aspects of your being existence in term of physical, mental and spiritual.

What is Islamic architecture??
The Islamic architectural design and construction features various secular and religious styles that have spanned all of Islamic History. We can easily found the Islamic architectural characteristic in the mosques, tombs, forts and palaces. The characteristics of Islamic art and architecture change by the time period. The prevalent characteristic through all Islamic art are the presences of calligraphy and repetitive geometric patterns over surfaces. There was significant evolution over the past as the mosques began to acquire distinctive features like domes, minarets, courtyard and a grand entry ways that have been adapted to various cultures around the world. The Islamic architecture is inspired by The Glories of Allah and to realize the pillars of Islam, furthermore acts as a pursuit of Knowledge and the pursuit of Beauty.

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