Thursday, 31 October 2013

4.Architecture as Pursuit of ilm: Knowledge

The 7 Principles of Islamic Architecture:

1. Architecture as Tawhid: Unity & Uniquity of Allah
2. Architecture of Ihtiram: Respect
3. Architecture with Ikhlas: Sincerity
4. Architecture as Pursuit of ‘Ilm: Knowledge
5. Architecture for Iqtisad: Balance
6. Architecture of Haya’: Modesty
7. Architecture as Dikr: Remembrance

4.Architecture with Persuit of ilm: Knowledge

Pursuit of knowledge is revealed in the numerous structures that Muslim architect erected for their communities to absorb and extent Islam teachings. Ornamentation and carvings acquires a precise and skilled artist in the geometrical laws. The mosque served as an educational seeking point, where people gather and receive/trade knowledge.The knowledge of ornamentation and carvings has been spread and applied in the construction of Islamic architecture as shown in the illustration above. The knowledge of geometrical system, architectural technology and the Islamic calligraphy has been improved and still being widely used in the modern age.

The Calligraphy on the wall of the mosque depict the importance of ilmu to the prayer.

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