Sunday, 15 September 2013

2. Architecture of Ihtiram: Respect

The 7 Principles of Islamic Architecture:

1. Architecture as Tawhid: Unity & Uniquity of Allah)
2. Architecture of Ihtiram: Respect
3. Architecture with Ikhlas: Sincerity
4. Architecture as Pursuit of ‘Ilm: Knowledge
5. Architecture for Iqtisad: Balance
6. Architecture of Haya’: Modesty
7. Architecture as Dikr: Remembrance

2. Architecture of Ihtiram: Respect

Architecture of Ithiram translates into the presence of showing respect, propriety and good manners to God, to fellow mankind and to oneself. As a guideline Muslims follow the 5 pillars which are shahada, salat, zakat,fasting and haji which encourages and shows respect to the faith and God. These actions help purify on self based on daily conduct and it also builds up inner and outer spiritual fulfilment to finally submit own will to that of Allah. Muhammad was the perfect example of propriety and praiseworthy characteristics. The Al Quran is a guide to practice respect as a virtue for the sake of Allah.

Islamic Architecture greatly shows symbolism, harmony and the purity of geometric shapes of the Ka'Bah. These are found in all sacred Islamic architecture throughout the Islamic world. The Ka'Bah represents the traditional, fundamental mixture of space which is greatly lined to the idea of "center".

Islamic artwork can recreate natural patterns but also in the form of a religious message. The idea of these patterns is one of creating unity within art. By creating a unity across artworks it shows a connection to a divine design as well as a unity amongst people. Although patterns may interweave in and out of each other, and may change throughout an artwork, in the end they work together to form a unified piece of art, part of a grand design. This is much like the universe and the design of the artwork is to allow people to remember that we are all connected and that the universe was designed with geometry in mind.

1.Architecture as Tawhid: Unity & Uniquity of Allah

The 7 Principles of Islamic Architecture:

1. Architecture as Tawhid: Unity & Uniquity of Allah
2. Architecture of Ihtiram: Respect
3. Architecture with Ikhlas: Sincerity
4. Architecture as Pursuit of ‘Ilm: Knowledge
5. Architecture for Iqtisad: Balance
6. Architecture of Haya’: Modesty
7. Architecture as Dikr: Remembrance

1.Architecture as Tawhid: Unity & Uniquity of Allah

Architecture as Tawhid (devotion & faith), believing in the unity and Uniquity of Allah. Every Muslim should have faith in the shahada:  “There is no god but The God/Allah and Mohammad is his Messenger /Prophet”. The main architecture of Allah, is the Ka'aba, in Makkah that nodes as the point where all the muslims face for the prayers.

Architecture as Tawhid also signifies the essence of humanity, unified, border less community, and transcend race, rank, and wealth. Everyone are equal as a human being, this can be seen through the performance of Hajj. Tawhid also mentions the notion of place, shape, order, orientation this defines the unity of the Ka'aba.

Saturday, 14 September 2013

The Quran

What is Quran mean to Muslim?

The Holy Quran is the Last and Final Word of God Almighty and a message to all mankind. It is a collection of 114 chapters or surahs that were revealed to Prophet Muhammad by revelation through the Archangel Gabriel over a period of 23 years. The Qur’an comprehends the complete code for the Muslims to live a good, chaste, abundant, and rewarding new life in obedience to the commandments of Allah, in this life and gain redemption in the next. It is the “constitution” of the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth and the “Chart of Life” for every Muslims. Each generation of Muslims has found new sources of strength, courage and inspiration in it and also known as a “compass” in the turbulent voyage of life.

Friday, 13 September 2013

About Islamic Architecture...

What is the concept of Islamic Religion?
Islam literally means “total surrender, total submission” to the will of God-essence of the religion. The Islamic religion also means The Way of Life that interpret beliefs in every aspects of your being existence in term of physical, mental and spiritual.

What is Islamic architecture??
The Islamic architectural design and construction features various secular and religious styles that have spanned all of Islamic History. We can easily found the Islamic architectural characteristic in the mosques, tombs, forts and palaces. The characteristics of Islamic art and architecture change by the time period. The prevalent characteristic through all Islamic art are the presences of calligraphy and repetitive geometric patterns over surfaces. There was significant evolution over the past as the mosques began to acquire distinctive features like domes, minarets, courtyard and a grand entry ways that have been adapted to various cultures around the world. The Islamic architecture is inspired by The Glories of Allah and to realize the pillars of Islam, furthermore acts as a pursuit of Knowledge and the pursuit of Beauty.